Cooking: minor updates to Guacamole recipe
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4 <meta name="generator" content="QBrew 0.4.1 ">
5 <title>Thoth</title>
6 <meta name="author" content="Clinton Ebadi">
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13 <table summary="header" border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=5 bgcolor="#CCCCCC" width="100%">
14 <tr><td>
15 <big><strong>Thoth</strong></big>
16 </td></tr>
17 </table>
18 <p>
20 <table summary="recipe" border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>
21 <tbody>
22 <tr>
23 <td><strong>Recipe</strong></td>
24 <td width="15"></td>
25 <td>Thoth</td>
26 <td width="25"></td>
27 <td><strong>Style</strong></td>
28 <td width="15"></td>
29 <td>Foreign Extra Stout</td>
30 </tr>
31 <tr>
32 <td><strong>Brewer</strong></td>
33 <td></td>
34 <td>Clinton Ebadi</td>
35 <td></td>
36 <td><strong>Batch</strong></td>
37 <td></td>
38 <td>5.00 gal</td>
39 </tr>
40 <tr>
41 <td><strong>Extract</strong></td>
42 </tr>
43 </tbody>
44 </table>
45 <p>
47 <big><strong>Recipe Characteristics</strong></big>
48 <table summary="characteristics" border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>
49 <tbody>
50 <tr>
51 <td><strong>Recipe Gravity</strong></td>
52 <td width="15"></td>
53 <td>1.073 OG</td>
54 <td width="25"></td>
55 <td><strong>Estimated FG</strong></td>
56 <td width="15"></td>
57 <td>1.018 FG</td>
58 </tr>
59 <tr>
60 <td><strong>Recipe Bitterness</strong></td>
61 <td></td>
62 <td>50 IBU</td>
63 <td></td>
64 <td><strong>Alcohol by Volume</strong></td>
65 <td></td>
66 <td>7.1%</td>
67 </tr>
68 <tr>
69 <td><strong>Recipe Color</strong></td>
70 <td></td>
71 <td>56° SRM</td>
72 <td></td>
73 <td><strong>Alcohol by Weight</strong></td>
74 <td></td>
75 <td>5.6%</td>
76 </tr>
77 </tbody>
78 </table>
79 <p>
81 <big><strong>Ingredients</strong></big>
82 <table summary="ingredients" border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>
83 <tbody>
84 <tr>
85 <td><strong>Quantity</strong></td>
86 <td width="15"></td>
87 <td><strong>Grain</strong></td>
88 <td width="15"></td>
89 <td><strong>Type</strong></td>
90 <td width="15"></td>
91 <td><strong>Use</strong></td>
92 </tr>
94 <tr>
95 <td>1.00 lb</td>
96 <td></td>
97 <td>British black patent</td>
98 <td></td>
99 <td>Grain</td>
100 <td></td>
101 <td>Steeped</td>
102 </tr>
104 <tr>
105 <td>0.50 lb</td>
106 <td></td>
107 <td>British chocolate malt</td>
108 <td></td>
109 <td>Grain</td>
110 <td></td>
111 <td>Steeped</td>
112 </tr>
114 <tr>
115 <td>1.00 lb</td>
116 <td></td>
117 <td>Crystal 80L</td>
118 <td></td>
119 <td>Grain</td>
120 <td></td>
121 <td>Steeped</td>
122 </tr>
124 <tr>
125 <td>4.50 lb</td>
126 <td></td>
127 <td>Light malt extract</td>
128 <td></td>
129 <td>Extract</td>
130 <td></td>
131 <td>Extract</td>
132 </tr>
134 <tr>
135 <td>1.50 lb</td>
136 <td></td>
137 <td>Molasses</td>
138 <td></td>
139 <td>Sugar</td>
140 <td></td>
141 <td>Extract</td>
142 </tr>
144 <tr>
145 <td>3.30 lb</td>
146 <td></td>
147 <td>Munich Malt Extract</td>
148 <td></td>
149 <td>Extract</td>
150 <td></td>
151 <td>Extract</td>
152 </tr>
154 <tr>
155 <td><strong>Quantity</strong></td>
156 <td width="15"></td>
157 <td><strong>Hop</strong></td>
158 <td width="15"></td>
159 <td><strong>Type</strong></td>
160 <td width="15"></td>
161 <td><strong>Time</strong></td>
162 </tr>
164 <tr>
165 <td>1.00 oz</td>
166 <td></td>
167 <td>Styrian Golding</td>
168 <td></td>
169 <td>Pellet</td>
170 <td></td>
171 <td colspan=2>30 minutes</td>
172 </tr>
174 <tr>
175 <td>1.00 oz</td>
176 <td></td>
177 <td>Willamette</td>
178 <td></td>
179 <td>Pellet</td>
180 <td></td>
181 <td colspan=2>45 minutes</td>
182 </tr>
184 <tr>
185 <td>1.50 oz</td>
186 <td></td>
187 <td>Willamette</td>
188 <td></td>
189 <td>Pellet</td>
190 <td></td>
191 <td colspan=2>60 minutes</td>
192 </tr>
194 <tr>
195 <td><strong>Quantity</strong></td>
196 <td width="15"></td>
197 <td><strong>Misc</strong></td>
198 <td width="15"></td>
199 <td><strong>Notes</strong></td>
200 </tr>
202 <tr>
203 <td>1.00 unit</td>
204 <td></td>
205 <td>Irish Moss</td>
206 <td></td>
207 <td>Fining</td>
208 <td></td>
209 <td colspan=3>one teaspoon</td>
210 </tr>
212 <tr>
213 <td>1.00 unit</td>
214 <td></td>
215 <td>Ringwood Ale yeast</td>
216 <td></td>
217 <td>Yeast</td>
218 <td></td>
219 <td colspan=3>Reusing cake from brown ale</td>
220 </tr>
222 <tr>
223 <td>2.70 unit</td>
224 <td></td>
225 <td>Star Anise</td>
226 <td></td>
227 <td>Spice</td>
228 <td></td>
229 <td colspan=3>grams</td>
230 </tr>
232 <tr>
233 <td>1.00 unit</td>
234 <td></td>
235 <td>Yeast Nutrient</td>
236 <td></td>
237 <td>Other</td>
238 <td></td>
239 <td colspan=3>2.2g wyeast nutrient</td>
240 </tr>
242 </tbody>
243 </table>
244 <p>
246 <big><strong>Recipe Notes</strong></big>
248 <p>Treat water with 1/4 campden tablet<br>
249 <br>
250 Steep grains for 30 minutes in 2 quarts water (strike 170F). Rinse with 1qt distilled water @ 170F.<br>
251 <br>
252 Treat boil water with 1g Water Crystals, 2g NaCl (&quot;balance between malt and bitterness&quot;) <br>
253 <br>
254 Boil as per usual<br>
255 <br>
256 Add star anise 20 minutes before end of boil (whole, 2 of them or ~10-14g)<br>
257 Add molasses 10 minutes before end of boil<br>
259 </p>
260 <p>
261 <big><strong>Batch Notes</strong></big>
263 <p>* Brew Day Notes<br>
264 <br>
265 Batch was a bit screwed up ... Steve milled the grains for me, but he did not quite get the instructions and *only* milled the leftover ingredients, and for the chocolate malt which he did weigh he used the scale in ounces mode and misread 5oz as 0.5lbs. I almost gave up, but Rebecca suggested that I use a coffee grinder... I tried a bit, and it seemed OK (at least for flavor grains that don&apos;t need to be mashed...) and the following were ground that way:<br>
266 <br>
267 - 3oz chocolate malt (weighed with my digital tea scale)<br>
268 - 1/2lbs black patent (american six row instead of british as well)<br>
269 - 3/4lbs 80⁰L Crystal<br>
270 <br>
271 The amounts of steeping grains are as a result of this pretty inexact--the amounts we had leftover were not recorded quite exactly, and my kitchen scale is only really accurate to 1/8-1/4lbs.<br>
272 <br>
273 The steeping process was not ideal, I used a bit less water than I should have (2quarts), struck at 170⁰F, but the oven was broken and I used a crock pot (which was able to hold the temperature of water fairly well, I think the water needed to strike at a higher temperature for that much grain but I have to calculate that... and should have used more water anyway). The final temperature was 158⁰F.<br>
274 <br>
275 After this debacle, however, brewing went smoothly. No boilovers, everything was added on time. The new wort chilling setup worked remarkably well--using ice water in a tub and a pump the wort was at 74⁰F in 18 minutes.<br>
276 <br>
277 Two star anise pods were used, and these weighed 2.7g. The recipe notes call for 10-14g because I am an idiot and have no idea how much they actually weighed :).<br>
278 <br>
279 OG = 1.072 @ 74F (1.074 corrected). I feared the ibeer would have a husky astringent flavor from the makeshift grind, but it was not. There was a strong nose of molasses and anise, with a mellow anise flavor at the end.<br>
280 <br>
281 * Fermentation Notes<br>
282 <br>
283 Fermentation did not take off for 36 hours. At the 30 hour mark I sanitized the wort stirring spoon with rubbing alcohol and agitated the yeast cake; this resulted in the fermentation starting farily quickly. I assume the yeast were compacted enough and old (the previous beer had sat on the cake for around six weeks due to unexpected scheduling problems and a member of the brewing team being sick for over a week). After it started, however, it was quite vigorous (over 4 bubbles per second from the airlock, and more wort churning than I&apos;ve seen before).<br>
284 <br>
285 2011-01-16 <br>
286 19:30 @ 72⁰F: Racked onto brown ale ringwood cake<br>
287 <br>
288 2011-01-17 <br>
289 ... @ 68⁰F No activity to report<br>
290 <br>
291 2011-01-18<br>
292 00:30 @ 68⁰F: Still no activity, sanitized wort spoon with rubbing alcohol and agitated the yeast cake to suspend compacted yeast<br>
293 13:49 @ 68⁰F: Finally active. 1&quot; krausen, airlock bubbling 2/s<br>
294 14:35 @ 70⁰F: 3/s, 2&quot; Krausen. Turning fan on 1/3 and adding water to tray<br>
295 22:00 @ 68⁰F: 4/s<br>
296 <br>
297 2011-01-19<br>
298 02:00 @ 67⁰F: 5/s<br>
299 13:07 @ 67⁰F: 3/s<br>
300 23:30 @ 66⁰F: 1/2, krausen receding. Fast and furious fermentation!<br>
301 <br>
302 2011-01-20<br>
303 03:00 @ 64⁰F: 1/[2s]. Replacing wet tshirt with a dry one, and removing water from tray. Krausen almost entirely gone.<br>
304 20:00 @ 67⁰F: 1.[5s]. Krausen is gone<br>
305 <br>
306 ... no readings, average temp 68⁰F ...<br>
307 <br>
308 2011-01-26 @ 68⁰F: Racking to secondary to free up the main fermenter. SG = @ 68⁰F = 1.016 (1.018 adjusted, on target).<br>
309 <br>
310 * Bottling<br>
311 <br>
312 2011-03-09 -- Yeah, that sat in secondary for a while... at least it wasn&apos;t on the yeast cake.<br>
313 <br>
314 Primed with 4.3oz corn sugar in 1qt distilled water<br>
315 <br>
316 Yield: 38 x12oz bottles + 5x22oz bottles<br>
317 <br>
318 SG @ 68⁰F = 1.016 (1.018 adjusted, on target)
319 </p>
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